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Project Update: Full 'Steam' Ahead at 204 South 12th Street apartments

By Jim Dolente Jr., President, Madison Concrete Construction

As we head into July and another steamy Philly summer, Madison Concrete is steaming ahead with construction on 204 S. 12th St. in the Washington Square West neighborhood.

The mixed-use luxury apartment tower will stand 32 stories tall and feature 378 residential units plus a three-level below-grade parking garage with 96 parking spaces and 130 bicycle slots. Other features include a third-floor amenity level with outdoor pool, 30th-floor terrace and two levels of lobby and retail space. In total, the building will house 401,870 square feet of space.

Our Madison team has constructed core walls up to Level 18 and is currently working on the structural slabs at Level 14. We anticipate completing three-quarters of the core and two-thirds of the slabs by the end of July. Topping out the main roof is scheduled for October, with full completion of the structure in December.

When complete, the high-rise is going to be a great addition to the Philadelphia skyline!

At Madison, we are proud to be part of this large-scale residential project. Additional housing in the ever-growing Center City market will help support the numerous businesses located in the surrounding area. Let us know how we help with your next project!


Client/Construction Manager:

Hunter Roberts Construction Group


Midwood Investments and Development


Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP)

Architect on Record:

Bower Lewis Thrower Architects (BLTa)

Structural Engineer:


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